What is 2e or “twice-exceptional”?
The term “twice-exceptional,” (aka “2e”) is used to describe gifted children who have the characteristics of gifted students with the potential for high achievement and give evidence of one or more disabilities as defined by federal or state eligibility criteria.
PAGE Resources
Overview of “Twice Exceptional”, a PowerPoint Presentation
PAGE Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Fact Sheet
General Information
Guidebook for Twice Exceptional Students (Montgomery County Public Schools)
Classifications of 2e
List of Learning Disabilities from the Learning Disabilities Association of America
Checklist for Recognizing Twice Exceptional Children Please note this is not a validated instrument.
High Ability and Anxiety Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
Anxiety in Gifted Children Summer Institute for Youth
Anxiety, Sensitivities and Social Struggles among Profoundly Gifted Kids Davidson Institute
Back to School Anxiety Child Mind Institute
Helping a Gifted Child Deal with Anxiety York Region Psychological Services
Further Reading:
Online Programs for Children with Anxiety GoZen
Autism Spectrum Disorder
PAGE Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Fact Sheet
Gifted and Dyslexia: Identifying and Instructing the Twice Exceptional Student
Resources for 2e
- Learning Strategies for Twice-Exceptional Students
- What Does Twice Exceptional Mean? Identifying and Nurturing Gifted Children with ADHD
- Twice-Exceptional Kids: Both Gifted and Challenged
- 7 Myths of Twice-Exceptional 2e Students
- Don’t get Caught in the Lazy Trap
- Needs-based Assessment of Students with (suspicion of) Intellectual Giftedness and/or an Autism Spectrum Disorder: Design of a Heuristic
- A Fine Line Between the World of Giftedness and Autism
- 2E Toolbox from With Understanding Comes Calm
- Gifted and Distractable Book
Current research on 2e
2e News 2e News provides readers with high-level information and perspectives about twice-exceptional (2e) education and cognitive diversity. We cover a broad range of topics that are essential for all educators, parents, and industry professionals. Our mission is to maintain a fruitful conversation among key stakeholders to improve the lives of gifted students with learning differences.
2e Partnership Directory This link is hosted by With Understanding Comes Calm. It lists associations, consultants, enrichment, clinicians, and education.
Organizations and Websites Dedicated to helping 2e students and their families
Bright and Quirky “Help your bright child thrive… even with learning, social, emotional, or behavioral challenges”.
Connecting for Kids: You are Not Alone. This link lists websites, groups, downloads and Apps for Gifted or Twice Exceptional. Connecting for Kids was created to provide education and support for families in Northeast Ohio.
Twice exceptional children’s advocacy (TECA). Twice Exceptional Children’s Advocacy, Inc. (TECA) was founded in 2003 by a group of parents seeking to identify, support and unite twice exceptional (2e) students and their families.
The 2e Resource For parents, teachers, and professionals helping twice-exceptional children reach their potential.
With Understanding Comes Calm Guidance to support the twice-exceptional loved ones in your life. This site has a list of resources for you!
Smart Kids with Disabilities offers first steps, how to get help and a community.
Uniquely gifted offers resources for twice-exceptional children
Understood is dedicated to shaping the world where people who learn and think differently can thrive at home, at school, and at work. Search for “Twice-Exceptional”
Organizations with information for 2e Students and their Families
ADDitude Inside the ADHD Mind, search for 2e
American Psychological Association
Gifted Homeschoolers Forum (GHF) links to 2e Twice-Exceptional Newsletter
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) and 2e Special Interest Group
Hoagies Gifted Education has a vast list of resources when you search for 2e
Davidson Institute has a resource guide for “Twice-Exceptionality”
Child Mind Institute explains challenges and gifted together
LD OnLine works in association with the National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities (NJCLD). Click on this link and search for “Twice-Exceptional”
Institute for Educational Advancement has a lot of resources for Twice Exceptional students and their families. This site gives information about a seven-week parent support group for mothers of children of high emotional need.
SENG – Supporting the emotional Needs of the Gifted, including 2e
Understood is dedicated to shaping the world where people who learn and think differently can thrive at home, at school, and at work. Search for “Twice-Exceptional”
Schools for 2e Students
This site lists the best US schools for 2e
Schools and Programs in the US
Programs for Gifted and Twice Exceptional 2e Students
List of Twice Exceptional Schools by the Institute for Educational Advancement
Contributors to this page: Dr. Matt Zakreski, Jonathan Klingeman, Christine Laquidara-Kolvek, Dr. Katie Leach.