What are my legal rights?
As a parent, under Chapter 16 Section 22, you can make a request for a gifted multidisciplinary evaluation for your child at any time during the school year. However, you are limited to one request per year. This request MUST be in writing. If a parent makes an oral request, the school must provide you with a copy of a permission to evaluate form within 10 calendar days of this oral request.
The initial evaluation of the child, must be completed, with a copy of the evaluation reported presented and discussed with the parents, no later than 60 calendar days after the school receives your written consent and/or request for evaluation. The exception here is that time between the end of one school year and the beginning of the next school year (over those summer months) cannot and will not count towards the 60 required calendar days for testing and data collection.
For more details about your legal rights as a parent visit: